Specializing in Lloyds Open Market

Global Alliance is a power of one Specialty MGA with it’s “owner – driver” having over 40 years of experience and being well respected in the Canadian & London Insurance Market that is adept at placing risks on a binding authority or on an open market basis through an extensive contact base in both Lloyd’s and domestic markets. 

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We specialize in placing tailored solutions for a wide spectrum of Primary and or Excess in Lloyd's Open Market.

Classes of Business Examples

Cash InTransit, Energy, Large Course of Construction, Medical Malpractice


Available in BC | Alberta | Yukon

Do you have a Specialized Lloyds Open Market Insurance Question? Call 1-844-565 7935 and ask one of our experts today!

Please direct all submissions and enquiries relating to this class of business to: mike.hebert@gassltd.ca

Our professional and experienced broking team regularly place a wide variety of risks across a number of classes of business with a large range of insured values.